How it works

Set up Horenso

Create account


Start your journey with Horenso by creating an account. It's a simple process that only requires a few basic details.

Integrate with chat platforms


Start your journey with Horenso by creating an account. It's a simple process that only requires a few basic details.

Create forms

Save time with our templates


Horenso offers a variety of ready-to-use templates for different types of information collection. Choose a template that suits your needs and customize it as necessary.

Start from scratch


If our templates don't fit your needs, you can create a form from scratch. Horenso's form builder is intuitive and flexible, allowing you to create forms that capture the exact information you need.


Schedule form distribution


Decide when and how often your form should be sent out to your team. Whether it's a one-time survey or a daily standup form, Horenso allows you to set a schedule that fits your team's workflow.

Automate follow-ups


With Horenso, you have full control over how and where reminders are sent. Not only can you set the frequency of reminders, but you can also select secondary communication channels for Horenso to use if the primary channel isn't effective. For example, if your main communication channel is Slack, you can choose to have Horenso send reminders via email or even other chat platforms to those who haven't filled out the form. This ensures that Horenso will persistently reach out until all necessary information is collected.


Understand your data


Once your team has filled out the forms, Horenso provides tools to help you understand the collected data. You can view responses in a clear, organized format, making it easy to analyze and make informed decisions.